As I embark on THIS new "brand" journey, I know there are lots of things I need to communicate regarding how THIS all works. I considered making a proper F.A.Q. page. But that seemed unfounded since there isn't any "frequently" anything yet…
Yes, I'm leaning into an actual, lazy, literal interpretation of that often used page title to justify not really making a that sort of informational page yet. Frankly, it can take a lot of effort to craft thoughtful messages that succinctly communicate what a folks want to know. Guessing at THIS feels like the wrong place to allocate my time. I'd rather create more of THIS stuff for now. I'll answers actual questions when they find their way to my inbox.
Soooo, if there are any insights that would be helpful in your decision making process of whether or not to purchase a t-shirt, please write an email (copy the address below). I'll respond as soon as possible. Then I'll have a better idea of what I should include on THIS page. Thanks for your interest!
p.s. Feedback, adoration, constructive criticism, and random thoughts are welcome too. I'm interested to hear what anyone that read this far thinks about THIS whole thing…